
Showing posts from April, 2022

What Are The Different Usages Of Structure Directing Agents (SDA)

Chemical industries are taking a big leap in the business. The success of the business can be accredited to the advancement in technology in the chemical sector. Chemicals elements and components are the most used commodities in the current scenario. You require a wide range of chemicals in different industries. You can use chemical commodities in your daily life, for school projects, university observations, and research works. As the consumer demand for chemicals keeps increasing, you need to focus on chemical processes that improve the synthesis of a wide range of chemicals. One of the best chemical products to bring a revolutionary change in the chemical industries is Structure Directing Agents. You can refer to it as SDA. Many chemical companies find SDA - Structure Directing Agents as the best chemical component to support varied applications in the industries. If you belong to the chemical industry, you might have complete knowledge of the Structure Directing Agents. But many o

Agrochemicals and Their Importance in Agriculture

Agriculture is the most crucial sector for every country. Whether it is India, USA, or China, agriculture plays a vital role in defining the nation's strength. Agriculture is the backbone of the nation. Why do you think agriculture is the backbone of our territorial area? Most of you would say it is the major contributor to the country’s GDP. Yes, this is one of the reasons. Agriculture is a significant sector of society because it is the foundation of other industries in the country. Overview of Agriculture In India Agricultural products help the textile industry, food & beverage industry, jute industry, bamboo industry, and sugar industry. Based on statistical data for the year 2021, agriculture contributes almost 17 to 20% to the GDP directly. If you consider the contribution of agriculture through different sectors, it would be more than 40%. The data shows how important is agriculture. The agriculture industry has to provide a better yield every year. It is essential to me