Agrochemicals and Their Importance in Agriculture
Agriculture is the most crucial sector for every country. Whether it is India, USA, or China, agriculture plays a vital role in defining the nation's strength. Agriculture is the backbone of the nation.
Why do you think agriculture is the backbone of our territorial area?
Most of you would say it is the major contributor to the country’s GDP. Yes, this is one of the reasons. Agriculture is a significant sector of society because it is the foundation of other industries in the country.
Overview of Agriculture In India
Agricultural products help the textile industry, food & beverage industry, jute industry, bamboo industry, and sugar industry. Based on statistical data for the year 2021, agriculture contributes almost 17 to 20% to the GDP directly.
If you consider the contribution of agriculture through different sectors, it would be more than 40%.
The data shows how important is agriculture. The agriculture industry has to provide a better yield every year.
It is essential to meet the demand of the growing population in the country.
If you want the yields to be high, it is essential to take care of the harvest. You need to use high-quality seeds, maintain a proper water supply, and use agrochemicals to ensure high yield.
Why Should One Use Agrochemicals?
Agrochemicals play a significant part in ensuring a healthy crop.
The chemicals prevent the weeds, harmful insects, pests, and diseases that destroy the quality of the crop.
The harmful pests have the potential to damage the entire crop and consume it.
The pests can reduce the yearly yield and diminish the quality of the harvest.
According to the statistical data, you can lose 20 to 25 percent of the total yield due to pet consumption.
Check out the reasons why agrochemicals are best for agriculture.
#1 Agrochemicals Are Essential For Producing More Yield:
Not all farmers would have a big land for farming. But it is essential to produce more crops and meet the demand.
If the farmers want to have more yield even on a small land, they must use agrochemicals.
The agrochemicals have the potential to provide 25 to 30 percent more yield.
Farmers can meet the demands of crops and gain profit from the yield. With the profits, the farmers can use high-quality seeds, provide water and use fertilizers.
In the market, you can avail yourself a wide range of agrochemicals for improving health and overall yield. Agrochemicals offer a sustainable way to provide high-quality food and fibers.
#2 Agrochemicals Ensure Abundant Harvest:
The usage of agrochemicals ensures a plentiful harvest. Whether, it is fruits, vegetables, tea plantation, and coffee. It should be able to meet the demand of the growing population. For instance, a country or a region requires a specific amount of fruits and vegetables.
Farmers need to ensure they provide enough to the people of their community (nation at large). Farmers can use effective agrochemicals to ensure an abundant harvest.
#3 Agrochemicals Maintain The Market Prices Of The Food:
When the pests and harmful insects feed on the crops, agrochemicals destroy them. The total yield will reduce by almost 15 to 20 percent. If the yield reduces, it will have a direct impact on the market prices of the vegetation.
#4 Agrochemicals Protect The Crops From Various Diseases:
Agrochemicals are powerful to safeguard plants from airborne and waterborne crop diseases.
These crop diseases spread due to insects. These insects feed on the crops and destroy their quality.
Agrochemicals can prevent the rodents to increase in number and eat up all the crops or spread diseases.
#5 With Agrochemicals, You Can Grow Three Crops In A Year:
Different regions are suitable for different crops. Farmers grow wheat, rice, tea, vegetables, fruits, etc according to the place they live in.
If the land is fertile and the seeds are high quality, farmers can grow one of two crops around the year. It is perfect for making a profit and meeting the demand for a healthy harvest. But with the help of agrochemicals, farmers can grow three to four different seasonal crops. It allows you to gain more profits and provide high-quality food to the population.
If you are looking for high-quality agrochemicals, consult Tatva Chintan. They are the leading suppliers of high-quality chemicals in the country. You can check out different types of agrochemicals and ensure better results from the yield.
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